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Complaint Form – Simonscans Skip to content

Complaint Form

Before you continue…

  • All models at Simonscans were over 18 at the time of content production.
  • All models signed a model release allowing unlimited publication of that content.
  • All models provided two forms of government ID at the shoot to verify their age, and a photo taken with the model holding that ID.
  • All this documentation is kept on file.

If you still feel there is a problem with any content here, please use the form below to report it to us and we will do our best to resolve the problem with seven working days.

URLs you are reporting

    Please provide any additional information which might help us resolve your request. If you are submitting a request on behalf of someone else appearing in the content, please provide your association to that person.

    Please be aware abuse of this content removal request process hinders our ability to process valid and actionable requests.